Tuesday, 28 July 2015


Welcome back to Term 3
This Term our Inquiry focus is:
Maioro – Making Connections.

Essential Questions

1. How do I apply what I have learnt ? (global problem-solver).
2. What is my role as a global problem-solver?
3. How do I develop the mind-set of an inquirer?

Enduring Understanding:
Enduring Understanding

Inquirers question, seek and gather information to make connections to others and our world.

Our Values this Term are Honesty and Truthfulness and Duty.

Our curriculum areas of focus are;
Art – Visual Art

New Learners
Room 5 would like to welcome the following new learners; 
Blade Fletcher
Ariana Haerewa
Gabriel McCreath

100 days at school party!!!!!

On Friday we celebrated 100 days of learning at school. We played Maths games, pin the tail on the donkey and musical chairs. A great time was had by all, including the parents who came along – check out our photos!!